Perception, perception, perception

Over the past couple of years I've become increasingly interested in the phenomenon of UFO's. I’ve come to think that something is happening that we can’t explain but is none the less actually happening. The problem of the phenomenon of UFO’s (now often called UAP’s - Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) ties in closely with my interest in perception. On the one hand our ability to perceive the world around us is truly miraculous, a wonder in and of itself. On the other hand it is clear that our ability to perceive reality as it really is, is hemmed in by our biology. In other words we are not seeing the whole picture and therefore a large part if not the majority of information concerning our existence is not available to us. So when people experience seeing or perceiving something that cannot be explained, what then is to be made of it? What do we do with this information? I don’t know, but one thing seems clear to me, and that is, reality is way more strange than we can imagine.